Abdashtarth HS High Priest of Pteor
Abimael GT A Shemitish sailor in the crew of the Hawk
Afari SD A henchman of the Kushite nobleman Tuthmes
Ageera SD A Kushite witch-smeller
Agha Shupras BC
Aja VW The chief of the Bakalah
Ajaga SC The beast-king of Abombi
Ajonga CC Black galley slave
Akeb Man CA Turanian officer
Akhirom HS The mad king of Pelishtia
Akivasha CC An evil immortal princess
Akkutho SC Former king of Koth
Alafdhal SZ Turanian guardsman
Alarkar SK A count, ancestor to Queen Marala
Albiona SK Aquilonian countess, formerly Queen Marala of Ophir
Alcemides WB, TT Nemedian philosopher
Almuric SS, CC Prince of Koth
Altaro CC Nemedian priest, subordinate to Orastes
Alvaro CI Zingaran pirate of the Barachas
Amalric CC Baron of Tor
Amalric DT A young Aquilonian mercenary soldier
Amalric BC Nemedian soldier of fortune
Amalrus SK, SC A noble and later king of Ophir
Amboola SD Officer of the black spearmen of the kingdom of Kush
Amra QC The Lion Lord
Amric BN Kothian soldier in Conan's guard
Amurath, Shah SM Turanian noble
Angharzeb PS A onetime king of Turan
Antar FK Zuagir
Aram Baksh SZ Villainous innkeeper of Zamboula
Aratus SM Brythunian pirate
Arbanus SC General of Koth
Arideus CC The squire of Tarascus
Ariostro BN, CI The young king of Argos, successor to Milo
Arpello SC Aquilonian noble
Arshak BG Turanian noble
Arshak FK The successor to Kobad Shah, king of Iranistan
Artaban RE Turanian general
Artanes CI Zamorian pirate in Conan's crew
Artus CA Vilayet pirate
Arus CA A name taken by Conan on his way to Khanyria
Arus GB Nemedian watchman
Arus Hyborian Age Nemedian priest of Mitra, missionary to the Picts
Askia DT A black wizard, servant of King Sakumbe
Astreas WB Nemedian philosopher
Atalis HN A philosopher of Yaralet in Turan
Athicus RH A prison guard
Attelius BB Baron of the Westermarck
Aztrias Petanius GB Nemedian noble
Bajujh VW The black king of Bakalah
Balardus BN The king of Koth, successor to Strabonus
Balash RK Chief of the Kushafi tribe in the Ilbars Mts
Balthus BR A young Tauranian settler in Conajohara
Baraccus CA An exiled Aquilonian nobleman
Bardiya FK An official of Kobad Shah's court
Barras SK Henchman of Count Rigello
Belesa TT Zingaran heroine
Bêlit QC, CI Shemitish woman-pirate
Beloso CC Zingaran man-at-arms
Bhunda Chand PC King of Vendhya, killed by black sorcery
Bît-Yakin JG Pelishti wizard
Bombaata HS Kushite captain in Asgalun
Borus GT First mate of Captain Gonzago's Hawk
Bragi FD A chief of the Vanir
Bragoras DT Former Nemedian king
Brant Drago BB Father of the elected govemor of Thandara
Brocas MB, BB Baron of Torh, lord of Conawaga
Bwatu CB A man of Juma's tribe
Baal CC A minion of Xaltotun
Baal-Pteor SZ Kosalan strangler
Catlaxoc CI Harlot of Ptahuacan
Cenwulf BN Captain of Bossonian archers
Chabela CB, BN Daughter of King Ferdrugo of Zingara
Chaga SD One of the ruling caste of the Kushite capital of Jumballa
Chakan BB One of the race of sub-men dwelling in the Pictish wilderness
Chengir Khan CA Vendhyan nobleman
Chicmec RN Man of Xuchotl
Chiron CC A minion of Xaltotun
Chunder Shan PC Governor of Peshkauri
Codrus FK A lieutenant of Conan
Conan King of Aquilonia
Conan The hero of the Conan stories, a gigantic Cimmerian adventurer
Conn WM to CI The nickname of Conan's elder son, later King Conan II
Constantius WB Kothic adventurer
Crassides CA Captain of the guard at the gate of Khanyria
Cratos CB Physician of Kordava
Ctesphon TT, PS King of Stygia
Dathan SD An official of the king of Eruk
Dayuki RE Hyrkanian chief
Dekanawatha BN, RZ Pictish chief
Demetrio GB Nemedian magistrate
Demetrio CC Argossean sea captain
Dexitheus TT, CI A priest of Mitra
Diana SD Nemedian slave girl in Jumballa
Dion PS Aquilonian noble
Dionus GB Nemedian prefect of police
Dirk Strom BB Father of the commandant of Fort Kwanyara
Diviatix BN, RZ Ligurean Druid
Edric MB Aquilonian scout
Egil LD An aesir
Emilius Scavonus CC Aquilonian noble
Enaro GB Nemedian charioteer
Enosh BT Chief of Akhlat
Epemitreus PS, CI A long-dead sage
Epeus DT Former king of Aquilonia
Escelan RN Man of Xuchotl
Fabio GT Argossean sailor in the crew of the Hawk
Farouz HS A name assumed by Mazdak
Feng CM Duke of Kusan
Ferdrugo CS, CB, BN King of Zingara
Flavius MB Aquilonian officer
Fronto SD Ophirean thief
Fulk WM An Aquilonian
Galacus TT Kothic pirate
Galbro TT Zingaran seneschal
Garus SK An adherent of Queen Marala of Ophir
Gault Hagar BB
Gebellez TT A Zingaran
Ghandar Chen CA A spy of King Yezdigerd of Turan in Tarantia
Ghaznavi DI Turanian councillor
Ghemur CA Vendhyan conspirator
Gilzan DI Shemitish torturer
Gitara PC Yasmina's maid
Gleg RE Zaporoskan robber lord
Glyco MB Aquilonian officer
Gobir DT Ghanata brigand
Godrigo CB Zingaran philosopher
Gomani CB Kushite slave
Gonzago GT Captain of the Hawk, a Barachan pirate ship
Gonzalvio CI Trocero's son
Goram Singh CI Vendhyan pirate in the Barachas
Gorm FD An aesir
Gorm LD A bard of the Aesir
Gorm HA1 Pictish chief after Conan's time
Gorthangpo CS A Meruvian
Gorulga JG Keshian priest
Gotarza FK The captain of Kobad Shah's royal guard
Gromel PS Bossonian commanding Conan's Black Legion
Guilaime WM, CI Aquilonian baron
Gwarunga JG Keshian priest
Hadrathus CC Priest of Asura
Hakhamalu FK An informer for Kobad Shah
Hakon Strom BB Father of a commander of rangers in Schohira
Hamar Kur CA Turanian officer
Hattusas FK Zamorian serving under Conan
Hatupep CI Merchant of Ptahuacan
Heimdul FD A Van or Vanaheimer
Hildico HN Brythunian slave girl in Yaralet
Hormaz CS Turanian officer
Horsa FD An Aesir
Hotep HS Stygian servant of Zeriti
Hotep CA A name assumed by Conan in Fort Wakla
Hsia CM A former king of Kusan
Ilga LW Virunian girl
Imbalayo HS Commander of the Kushite troops in Pelishtia
Ishbak HS A name assumed by Conan in Asgalun
Isparana Zamboulan thief
Itzra CI Antillian chief
Ivanos SM, RE Corinthian pirate
Ivga WB Valerius' sweetheart
Jalung Thongpa CS The god-king of Meru
Jamal PS Turanian soldier
Jehungir DI Turanian lord
Jehungir Agha DI Ruler of Khawarizm and Keeper of the coastal border of Turan
Jelal Khan DI Turanian noble
Joka RH Servant of Nabonidus
Julio CB Zingaran goldsmith
Juma CS, CM, CB Kushite serving in the Turanian army; later, he becomes the chief of a tribe in Kush
Jungir Khan SZ Turanian lord of Zamboula
Junia SK The wife of Torgrio the thief
Kallian Publico GB An art dealer
Kang Hsiu CA A Khitan
Kang Lou-Dze CA A Khitan girl
Kapellez CB Captain of the Zingaran royal yacht
Karanthes GB The "last priest of Ibis". Also spelled Caranthes and Kalanthes.
Karlus BB Aquilonian ranger at Fort Kwanyara
Keluka HS Kushite soldier in Asgalun
Keraspa BG Kezankian chieftain
Kerim Shah PC Turanian spy in Vendhya
Khafra HS Stygian servant of Zeriti
Khannon HS Pelishti wine-seller
Khaza FK A Stygian
Khemsa PC Wizard serving the Black Seers of Yimsha
Khorsu CA Turanian fisherman
Khosatral Khel DI Demon who once ruled Dagonia
Khosrun Khan PC Governor of Secunderam
Khossus BC, SD King of Khoraja
Khumbanigash WB General of Constantius' Shemitish mercenaries
Khurum PC A legendary Amir
Khushia RE The chief wife of King Yildiz
Khusro CM Turanian soldier
Kobad Shah FK King of Iranistan
Kordofo DT Conan's predecessor as general of the cavalry of Tombalku
Krallides WB Khauranian councilor
Kujala FK A Yezmite
Kujula CS, CM The khan of the Kuigars
Kull TC, CT, SH An Atlantean who becomes king of Valusia
Kurush Khan RE Hyrkanian chief
Kutamun BC Stygian prince
Kwarada BB The Witch of Skandaga, Valerian's mistress
Kaa-Yazoth CI A ruler of the Atlantean Age
Marala SK The queen of King Moranthes II of Ophir; later the Countess Albiona
Marco CI Barachan pirate in Conan's crew
Marinw CA A hireling of King Yezdigerd in Tarantia
Mattenbaal HS Priest of Pteor
Mazdak HS Hyrkanian mercenary in the Pelishti army
Mbega RZ, SH One of the twin kings of Zembabwei
Mbonani CB Ghanata slaver
Mena GT Shemitish conjuror in Captain Gonzago's crew
Menkara CB A priest of Set
Metemphoc CI The chief of the thieves of Ptahuacan
Milo CS, BM The king of Argos
Milo CI Conan's boatswain
Mithridates CA A king of Zamora
Mkwana SH Zembabwan officer
Monargo CI Count of Couthen
Moranthes SD, SK The king of Ophir and the second of that name, Amalrus' predecessor
Mulai CM Turanian soldier
Munthassem Khan HN Turanian governor
Muriela JG, IG Corinthian dancing-girl
Murilo RH, HN Noble of a small city-state west of Zamora
Murzio RZ Zingaran serving with Conan
Nabonidus RH A priest in a small, unnamed city-state west of Zamora
Nafertari DI The mistress of the satrap Jungir Khan
Nahor IG Shemitish merchant in Punt
Nanaia FK A woman of Kobad Shah's harem
Natala SS Brythunian girl
Natohk BC, SD The name used by Thugra Khotan; "Khotan" backward
Nenaunir WM, RZ, SH One of the twin kings of Zembabwei, also high priest of Damballah
Nestor HD Gunderman officer of Zamorian troops
N'Gora QC A subchief of the black corsairs
Nimed CC The king of Nemedia
Niord FD An Aesir
Njal LD A chief or jarl of the Aesir, raiding into Hyperborea
Numa PS A king of Nemedia
Numedides, Namedides DT, MB, TT A king of Aquilonia slain and superseded by Conan
N'Yaga QC A black corsair
Nzinga CB, RZ Queen of the Amazons, in RZ, also, her daughter of the same name
Octavia DJ Nemedian girl
Olgerd Vladislav WB, FK Zaporoskan chief of the Zuagirs
Olivero BN The husband of Princess Chabela
Olivia SM Ophirean princess
Olmec RN A chief of Xuchotl
Orastes CC A former priest of Mitra
Ortho RN A pirate
Ostono BG Nemedian
Othbaal An Anaki intriguer
Otho Gorm BB Father of a forest ranger of Schohira